Rogans Shoes

Fitting Shoes 101

Once you have your unique feet measured, you can look for the right fitting shoes. Here are some tips for finding shoes that will fit properly:
  • Sizes vary among shoe brands and styles. Don't select shoes just by the size marked inside the shoe. Judge the shoe by how it fits on your foot. Make sure you select a shoe that conforms as nearly as possible to the shape of your foot.
  • Stand during the fitting process and check that there is adequate space (3/8" to 1/2") for your longest toe at the end of each shoe.
  • Make sure that the ball of your foot fits snugly, but not too tightly, into the widest part (ball pocket) of the shoe.
  • Don't purchase shoes that feel too tight or short, expecting them to "stretch" to fit. Most modern shoes are designed for rigid support, and they will not stretch to conform to your feet. If your shoes are too short, they will always be too short; shoes do not stretch lengthwise. There's a difference between a "snug", comfortable fit and a "tight", uncomfortable fit.
  • Your heel should fit comfortably in the shoe with a minimum amount of slippage.
  • Walking on carpeting and a hard indoor surface will help you to decide whether a specific size and style of shoes fits and feels right. Fashionable shoes can be comfortable!

Additional Information:

Click on the links below to learn more about how to fit a shoe correctly, improper shoe fitting, shoe sizes and what they mean, and to look at a sizing chart.

1. Improper Fitting Shoes

2. What does the sizing mean?

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