Rogans Shoes

Best Fit Running Shoe Guide by Rogan's Shoes

Our Best Fit Guide© helps the running shoe buyer find the best fit for their particular arch size and how their feet rotate from initial ground impact through the ends of their toes. Our running shoes are labeled to assist in understanding whether the construction of a shoe fits the unique needs of runners. This allows runners to get running shoes that are best suited to how they run. Using our Best Fit Guide© can lessen the risk of injuries and allow you to perform better. Our guide will help you find running footwear that is comfortable, balanced and solid for running, walking and cross training. The guide will assist you in selecting running shoes that provide the best body alignment without the need for an insert. It uses a simple one through five labeling system that compares the stiffness strength of similarly constructed shoes across the many brands that we sell. Use the Best Fit Guide© to select the running shoes that are just right for you.


Rogans Best Fit Guide